shaul kohn
for One or More Electric Guitars and Amps In a Room / 2020
with Amit Dagim, Ariel Altaratz, Itai Anker
Recorded By Amir Bolzman
Mastering: Amit Dagim
Directors of Photography & Production Mannagers: Arik Futterman & Yair Moss - Organuz Studio
Cameras: Gitai Silver, Tomer Zmora, Lior Razon
Produced by Amnon Wolman & Shim Gil
This performance was a part of a Musica Nova Ensemble Production.
Andarta // Dehumanize
at studio straus
camera: eddie botstein
Alon Ovnat - Voice, Words
Itai Anker - Drums
Shaul Kohn - Bass
Matvey Shapiro - Riverscape
Graphic scores by Matvey Shapiro, July 2020
"The notation is more important than the sound. Not the exactitude and the success with which a notation notates a sound; but the musicalness of the notation in its notating. (Cornelius Cardew)
Series of paintings - riverscapes - sighted from above and abstracted to maps, graphically structured to serve as musical scores. The paintings-scores are accompanied by the recordings of the performances by several musicians.
The project investigates and questions the roles of composer and performer, the auditory nature of the medium of music, and the interdependency between the musical notation and the performance.
Participating musicians: Shira Legmann, Orr Sinay, Nitai Levi, Shaul Kohn, Tom Klein, Hovav Landoy."
e. guitar, sticks, objects

e. guitar, electric drill, voice

e. guitar, bow, sticks

Amnon Wolman // Lane Ends [2019]
at Mazkeka Studios
Recorded By Ori Kadishay
Camera: Eddie Botstein
Shaul Kohn - Guitars, Bass
Primate Arena
Live at Levontin 7
March 2019
Arik Hayut - Percussion
Maya Dunietz - Piano, Voice, Flute
Alex Drool - Percussion, Electronics
Eran Saches - No Input Mixer, Electronics
Laila Mazal Yenishen - Voice
Shaul Kohn - E. Baritone Guitar
Frantz Loriot // Confluences for Ensemble [2019]
for musica nova ensemble
HaTeiva, Tel Aviv
Frantz Loriot - Viola
Shira Leggman - Piano
Amnon Wolman - Computer
Tom Soloveitzik - Sax
Or Sinay - Bass
Yoni Niv - Computer & Objects
Shaul Kohn - Bowed Guitar
Recorded by Lars Sergel
Video: Shali Boharon
Charles Ross - Aesop's Fables
Hyperion & Nova Ensembles
Tectonics Festival 2018
Zach Rowden, Shmil Frankel - doublebass
Yoni Silver - bass clarinet
Rotem Nir - bassoon
Adam Scheflan - electric guitar
Alex Drool Yunovich, Haggai Fersthman - percussion
Maayan Tsadka - recorder and objects
Yoni Niv - percussion and objects
Shira Legman - melodica, voice
Tom Soloveitzik - soprano saxophone
Maayan Franco - flute
Shaul Kohn - bowed acoustic guitar
Ilan Volkov - conductor
Larry Polansky // Ensembles of Notes
Musica Nova Ensemble, Tectonics festival 2018
Maayan Tsadka - recorder and objects
Yoni Niv - percussion and objects
Shira Legman - melodica,voice
Tom Soloveitzik - soprano saxophone
Shaul Kohn - acoustic guitar
Thelonious Monk // Brilliant Corners
Sira pub, Jerusalem 2017.
camera: Jacquelin Magen
Tisser/Kohn/Gorovitz/Milevski - Duet, Quartet
Live at Mazkeka, Jerusalem 2017
Ofer Tisser - Turntables
Ilia Gorovitz - Acoustic Drums
Marco Milevski - Electronic Drums & Electronics
Shaul Kohn - E. Baritone Guitar